Repairs 101

The GCIA provides the following information to assist you in the repair of your vehicle. This material is general in nature and is not intended to be legal advice. Legal questions about your rights should be directed to an attorney specializing in automotive claim settlements.

Your insurance company wants your vehicle repaired properly and for you to be completely satisfied with their claim service. Your car is the second largest investment you’re likely to make. Preserve its value and your safety by having it repaired professionally, and collecting for any and all loss of value.You have specific rights and obligations that you should be aware of. Review your policy. Understand your rights. If an agreement cannot be reached between your insurance company and the repair shop, most policies have an “Appraisal Clause” whereby an independent appraiser can be called in to help resolve the matter.

Getting an estimate

Many people are under the false belief they must get several estimates of repair generally this is not true unless your policy states otherwise no one can tell you to obtain more than one estimate you as the car owner have the option to do so if you wish.

Choosing a repair shop

It s your car and you can choose where you want to have it repaired unless your policy states otherwise choose a repair shop that you trust and wish to do business with no matter where your car is repaired you are entitled to proper repairs from the shop and the proper compensation from the insurer choose a shop carefully make sure they have the proper repair equipment and their staff technicians are certified industry accepted are I-CAR and ASE.

After the accident

Take your vehicle to the repair shop of your choice give the owner manager your insurance information and ask them to call your insurance company and advise them as to the damage you should also contact your insurance company and advise them where the vehicle is location.

Whose fault and who pays

Generally if the accident is your fault your insurance will cover you your vehicle and the other party and their vehicle if it wasn t your fault the other parties insurance company should cover you and your vehicle so try to collect from the other party because you will not have to pay a deductible remember that if you use the other person s policy you could be entitled to a rental car in addition if the accident was not your fault it should not be charged against your policy.

Paying for the repairs

Remember that you are the insured and own the car and are ultimately responsible for paying the repair bill you may wish to direct your insurance company to pay the repair shop directly but the payment must be in the hands of the repair agency when you pick up your vehicle the repair shop owner will look to you for payment and you should look to the insurance company for payment.

Guaranteeing the work

Generally the repair shop is responsible for any guarantees of workmanship another reason to choose your repair facility wisely request a copy of the written warranty including labor materials parts and paint do not accept less than one year on workmanship and in most cases three to five years on paint.

Getting repairs done

Sometimes the party at fault insurance company is slow to act in getting your vehicle repaired remember that you are the owner of the automobile and only you have the legal right to make arrangements for the repair of your automobile not the insurance company.

Drive in claims service

Unless your policy states otherwise it is not mandatory to take your vehicle to a drive in claims service usually it will suffice for you to call your insurance company and tell them where a claims person can examine the vehicle.

Insurance company preferred shops

Generally you do not have to use your insurance company s preferred shop if you decide to use their preferred shop ask if your policy contains an elects to repair clause this could cause your insurance company to be responsible for the quality of repairs and a host of other items.

State insurance commissioner

If you re having a problem with the insurance company the georgia state insurance commissioner s office may be of some help but the commissioner s authority is limited contact the commissioner s office so they can describe the scope of their authority.

Giving permission to begin work

Only you the owner can authorize repairs on your vehicle you should be presented an estimate to know what is being repaired on your vehicle before repairs are made unless your policy states otherwise.

In Closing

Insist on having your vehicle restored to its pre-accident condition and look into the possibility of recovering Diminution of Value. Do not be pressured into having repair work done by a specific shop simply because of lower price. Repair estimates will vary. A lower estimate may not include necessary things such as front or rear wheel alignments, re-aiming your headlamps, etc. Sign a release only when the repairs have been completed to your satisfaction. The vehicle is being repaired for YOU, the owner. It’s your car, make sure it’s repaired to your satisfaction.

You will be required to pay for the repairs upon completion. To avoid delays, it will be up to you to secure payment from your insurance company along with any necessary endorsements from lien holders. GCIA shops stand ready to assist you in any of these matters. We will work closely with you to minimize your inconvenience and maximize your satisfaction. This we pledge to you.

Be sure to review all of the additional links we have provided through the menu tabs at the top of this page. There’s a wealth of information available here, including what to do after an accident, and much more.


Most Auto Insurance Policy Holders are under the assumption that if involved in an auto accident requiring auto body repairs, their Insurance Company will repair their vehicle back to its pre-accident condition.

Unfortunately, this generally is not the case. Most likely, your car will not be repaired with all original OEM parts. Instead, Aftermarket body parts (if available) will be used. If you decide that you prefer to have OEM parts used to repair your vehicle, you will be expected to pay the difference because this is what you agreed to when you signed your Auto Insurance Policy.

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P.O. Box 709
Dallas, GA 30132